Living in Bolivia while working in Indonesia
Can I work remotely for a company in Indonesia while being in Bolivia?
It is usually doable, but we recommand to check the following key points first:
- The company has a legal entity in Indonesia
- The company has a legal entity in Bolivia
- The company has an office in Bolivia
- The company has an office in Indonesia
- The company has a legal entity in both Indonesia and Bolivia
- The company has an office in both Indonesia and Bolivia
How to live in Bolivia and find remote work in Indonesia?
Finding remote work in Indonesia if you are located in Bolivia might be difficult, therefore we recommend you to find remote work in Indonesia from Bolivia.
I am a Bolivian and I am looking for remote work in Indonesia. I am located in Bolivia and I am currently studying in Indonesia.
I am looking for a job as a remote worker in Indonesia.
How a company in Indonesia can send my salary in Bolivia?
When working remotely for a corporation in Indonesia, you salary can be send to Bolivia but it’s a long and complicated process.
I have worked for a company in Indonesia for the past 5 years. They have a branch office in Bolivia and I’m currently working remotely for them.
I’m happy with the job and the company, but I’m also a bit concerned with the company’s salary policy.
I’m not sure if I’m going to be paid fairly, because I’m not sure how the company is going to send my salary to Bolivia.
Where to pay my taxes when working remotely in Bolivia for a company in Indonesia?
If you are working remotely in Bolivia for a corporation established in Indonesia, taxes could seem complicated but in fact are quite simple.
In this post, we will see the main rules of taxes on remunerated work abroad.
The first thing to know is that you have to pay taxes in your country of residence.
This is a very common situation in the world. For example, when you work in Canada, you have to pay taxes in Canada.
When you work in France, you have to pay taxes in France.
If you are a citizen of France and you work in France, you have to pay taxes in France.
If you are a citizen of France and you work in Germany, you have to pay taxes in Germany.
In the same way, when you work in Bolivia for a company established in Indonesia, you have to pay taxes in Bolivia.
You can’t just avoid your taxes in Bolivia. You have to pay taxes in Bolivia.
If you don’t want to pay taxes in Bolivia, you have to be a citizen of Indonesia.
You can’t just declare yourself a citizen of Bolivia and say that you don’t have to pay taxes in Bolivia.
You have to be a citizen of Indonesia.
You have to be a citizen of Indonesia because Indonesia is the country where your company is established.
In Bolivia, there is no tax treaty between Indonesia and Bolivia.
In Indonesia, there is no tax treaty between Indonesia and Bolivia.