Work in Bulgaria for a company in Libya

Can I work remotely for a company in Libya while being in Bulgaria?

It is usually doable, but we recommand to check the following key points first:

  1. You will need to have a working visa to enter Libya, and a residence visa to stay there.
  2. The company you work for should have a local office in Libya, and a local representative in Bulgaria.
  3. You should have a contract with the company, and a contract with the local representative.
  4. You should have a bank account in Libya, and a bank account in Bulgaria.
  5. You should be able to prove your financial situation in Libya, and in Bulgaria.
  6. You should be able to prove your professional skills in Libya, and in Bulgaria.

It is usually doable, but we recommand to check the following key points first:
I am a Bulgarian citizen who has been living and working in Libya for the past 4 years.

How to live in Bulgaria and find remote work in Libya?

Finding remote work in Libya if you are located in Bulgaria might be difficult, therefore we recommend you to check out the list of the best remote jobs in Bulgaria.

In case you want to work from Bulgaria and live in Libya, the easiest and most effective way is to get a remote job.
If you are looking for a remote job in Libya, you should know that there are lots of companies that are hiring for remote jobs in Libya, especially for the IT sector.
If you are located in Bulgaria and are looking for a remote job in Libya, there are two ways of doing this:
You can move to Libya
You can work remotely from Bulgaria
You can work remotely in Libya and move to Libya
You can live in Libya and work remotely from Bulgaria
There are many benefits of working remotely in Libya.
You can work from anywhere in the world
You can work from your own home
You don’t need to relocate
You can work from the beach
You can travel to Libya
You can work from Bulgaria and live in Libya
You can work in Libya and live in Bulgaria
You can work in Libya and travel to Bulgaria
You can work from Bulgaria and travel to Libya

How a company in Libya can send my salary in Bulgaria?

When working remotely for a corporation in Libya, you salary can be send to Bulgaria but only through the bank in Libya.

Is it possible to work for a company in Libya and have my salary sent to Bulgaria?
If you work for a company in Libya, your salary can be sent to Bulgaria through the bank in Libya.

Where to pay my taxes when working remotely in Bulgaria for a company in Libya?

If you are working remotely in Bulgaria for a corporation established in Libya, taxes could seem complicated but in fact it is not that hard.

Working remotely in Bulgaria for a corporation in Libya is a bit different than working remotely in Bulgaria for a Bulgarian company.
In this article we will explain what taxes you should pay and where you should pay them.

What taxes should I pay?
If you are working remotely in Bulgaria for a corporation established in Libya, you should pay taxes to the Bulgarian tax office.
In case you are working remotely in Bulgaria for a Bulgarian company, you should pay taxes to the Bulgarian tax office.