Work in Denmark for a company in Poland
Can I work remotely in Denmark for a company in Poland?
Yes it’s perfectly possible, but we advise first to check the following points:
- Can you work in Denmark?
- Can you work in Poland?
- Can you work in Poland for a company in Denmark?
- Can you work in Poland for a company in Poland?
- Can you work in Denmark for a company in Poland?
How can I find a remote job in Poland while living in Denmark?
When things work out well, it’s possible to find remote jobs in Poland even if you are located in Denmark, for that we have a special section for you.
What are the best ways to find a remote job in Poland?
The best way to find a remote job in Poland is to use our search engine.
You can search for jobs in Poland using the following keywords:
Remote jobs in Poland
Remote Jobs in Poland
How can I get paid in Denmark when working remotely for a company in Poland?
It is possible to get paid in Denmark while working for a company in Poland but it’s not easy and not always possible.
If you are working remotely for a company in Poland and you want to get paid in Denmark, there are a few things you need to know about.
In this article I will give you some tips on how to get paid in Denmark while working remotely for a company in Poland.
What is the difference between working in Denmark and Poland?
There are some differences between working in Denmark and working in Poland. If you are working remotely for a company in Poland, you will have to do the following:
Get a residence permit in Denmark.
If you are a non-EU citizen you need to get a residence permit in Denmark.
If you are an EU citizen, you do not need to get a residence permit in Denmark.
Get a job in Denmark.
If you are working remotely for a company in Poland, you do not need to get a residence permit in Denmark. You just need to get a job in Denmark.
If you are working in Denmark, you do not need to get a residence permit in Denmark.
Get a work permit in Denmark.
If you are working remotely for a company in Poland, you need to get a work permit in Denmark.
If you are working in Denmark, you do not need to get a work permit in Denmark.
Will I pay taxes in Denmark or Poland when working remotely in Denmark?
Taxes can be complicated when working remotely in Denmark for a corporation in Poland, so let’s get a quick overview of what taxes are paid in Denmark and Poland.
What is the tax in Denmark?
In Denmark, a person who is not resident in Denmark is taxed at 20% of the income, regardless of where the income comes from. The tax in Denmark is also known as the Danish Value Added Tax (Danish: Dansk Investeringsstøtte, DINVST), which is a tax on purchases.
A person who is resident in Denmark and who is not an employee is taxed at a flat rate of 19%.
The Danish Value Added Tax (Danish: Dansk Investeringsstøtte, DINVST) is a tax on purchases.