Work in Germany for a company based in Colombia

Can I work remotely in Germany for a company in Colombia?

Yes it’s perfectly possible, but we advise first to check the following points:

  1. You need to be a citizen of Colombia, and a resident of Germany.
  2. You need to have a valid work permit in Germany.
  3. You need to have a valid work permit in Colombia.
  4. You need to have a valid residence permit in Germany.
  5. You need to have a valid residence permit in Colombia.
  6. You need to have a valid visa in Germany.
  7. You need to have a valid visa in Colombia.

How much does it cost to work in Germany?
The cost of living in Germany is very high, especially when you compare it with other countries.

How can I find a remote job in Colombia while living in Germany?

When things work out well, it’s possible to find remote jobs in Colombia even if you are located in Germany, for that we need to be aware of the legal requirements in Colombia and Germany.

There are many different types of remote jobs in Colombia, some of them are very easy to find, while others are a little more difficult to find.
In this article, we will explain how to find a remote job in Colombia, while living in Germany.
The legal requirements to work in Colombia
In Colombia, there are two types of jobs, the first one is the contract job, and the second one is the temporary job.
The contract job is a job that lasts for a fixed period of time, it is usually a month or a year, while the temporary job is a job that lasts for a specific period of time, and it can be for a few hours or a few years.
If you are a German citizen, you can only apply for a contract job, while if you are a Colombian citizen, you can apply for both types of jobs.

How can I get paid in Germany when working remotely for a company in Colombia?

It is possible to get paid in Germany while working for a company in Colombia but it is not as easy as it sounds.

In Germany, you can only get paid if you work for a company registered in Germany.
If you are working for a company registered in Colombia, you can only get paid if the company is registered in Germany.
If the company is registered in Colombia, but the business is run from Germany, you can only get paid if you work for a company registered in Germany.
If the company is registered in Germany, but the business is run from Colombia, you can only get paid if you work for a company registered in Germany.

Will I pay taxes in Germany or Colombia when working remotely in Germany?

Taxes can be complicated when working remotely in Germany for a corporation in Colombia, so you need to know the tax rules and regulations.

For example, if you work for a German corporation and you work remotely in Germany, you will need to pay taxes in Germany. If you work for a German corporation and you work remotely in Colombia, you will need to pay taxes in Colombia.
In Germany, you will need to pay taxes for the business you are working for. If you are a freelancer, you will need to pay taxes for your own business. If you are working for a German corporation and you work remotely in Germany, you will need to pay taxes for the business you are working for.
If you are working for a German corporation and you work remotely in Colombia, you will need to pay taxes for the business you are working for.