Work in Indonesia for a corporation based in Latvia

Can I work remotely in Indonesia for a company in Latvia?

Yes it’s perfectly possible, but we advise first to check the following points:

  1. If you are a citizen of Indonesia, you must have a work permit.
  2. If you are a citizen of Latvia, you must have a residence permit.
  3. If you are a citizen of Indonesia and you have a residence permit, you must have a work permit.

How can I find a remote job in Latvia while living in Indonesia?

When things work out well, it’s possible to find remote jobs in Latvia even if you are located in Indonesia, for that we will give you a few tips.

Why is it important to find a remote job in Latvia?
Latvia is a country located in the Baltic region. Latvia is a very small country with a population of 2.9 million people.
Latvia is a small country, but it is a very important country in the world. This is due to the fact that Latvia has a high level of education.
The average annual income of the Latvian people is approximately USD 13,000.

How can I get paid in Indonesia when working remotely for a company in Latvia?

It is possible to get paid in Indonesia while working for a company in Latvia but it is not easy.

First, you need to get a company in Indonesia to sponsor you. Once you are sponsored, you need to get a work permit for Indonesia. You will need to apply for a work permit before you can start working for the company in Indonesia.

Once you get a work permit, you need to get a visa. You can apply for a visa online through the Indonesian Embassy in Latvia.
Once you get a visa, you can start working for the company in Indonesia.

Will I pay taxes in Indonesia or Latvia when working remotely in Indonesia?

Taxes can be complicated when working remotely in Indonesia for a corporation in Latvia, so you may want to consider working remotely in Indonesia from a home office in Latvia. You can find more information about working remotely in Indonesia from Latvia, or Latvia from Indonesia, on the e-Residency program website.