Work in Latvia for a company in Sweden
Can I work remotely in Latvia for a company in Sweden?
Yes it’s perfectly possible, but we advise first to check the following points:
- Is your company registered in Sweden?
- Is your company in Sweden?
- Is your company registered in Latvia?
- Is your company in Latvia?
Yes, you can work in Latvia. The rules are the same as for any other EU country.
How can I find a remote job in Sweden while living in Latvia?
When things work out well, it’s possible to find remote jobs in Sweden even if you are located in Latvia, for that we have to look at the differences between the two countries.
- Sweden is a country with a low cost of living
Although the costs of living in Sweden is high, compared to many other countries in the world, the costs are still low compared to the wages that you get.
The average monthly salary in Sweden is approximately $1,500, which is $1,500 more than the average monthly salary in Latvia, where the average monthly salary is $1,300.
With a monthly salary of $1,500, you will be able to afford to live in Sweden without worrying about the cost of living. - The Swedish language is easy to learn
Swedish is the language that the majority of people in Sweden speak, and it is also one of the easiest languages to learn.
There are many online Swedish courses that you can take in order to learn Swedish, and these online courses are usually free, and you can take them from the comfort of your own home.
You can also learn Swedish by reading books, watching TV and movies in Swedish and listening to Swedish songs.
If you are interested in learning Swedish, you can take the Swedish language test to see how much Swedish you know. - There is a lot of demand for Swedish workers in Sweden
How can I get paid in Latvia when working remotely for a company in Sweden?
It is possible to get paid in Latvia while working for a company in Sweden but it will be in the form of a loan. You will need to borrow money from a Latvian bank to get paid in Latvia. This is a loan that you will have to repay and you will need to repay it in Latvia.
Will I pay taxes in Latvia or Sweden when working remotely in Latvia?
Taxes can be complicated when working remotely in Latvia for a corporation in Sweden, so we have put together a guide on what to expect.
What is the tax rate on my salary in Latvia?
The tax rate is 20% for individuals, and 40% for corporations.
When you work for a Swedish corporation, you are taxed on your salary as it is paid to you. This is called the “source of income”.