Living in Liberia while working in Switzerland
Can I live in Liberia and work remotely for a company in Switzerland?
Yes, it is possible, however we usually recommend double-checking the following points:
- The company is registered in Switzerland
- The company is not a subsidiary of a Swiss company
- The company is not a shell company (see below)
- The company is not a “foreign company” (see below)
- The company is not a “subsidiary” of a Swiss company (see below)
- The company is not a “foreign subsidiary” of a Swiss company (see below)
Is it possible for a company to be a “foreign company”?
A company is a “foreign company” if it is a company that is not registered in Switzerland and whose shareholders are not Swiss citizens.
How to find remote work in Switzerland while living in Liberia?
Usually, it is feasible to get remote jobs in Switzerland even though you are located in Liberia. For that we recommend to take a look at our article on the subject.
The first step is to make sure that you have a great resume and a professional cover letter. You also need to make sure that you can easily communicate in German or French.
When applying for remote jobs, you should state that you are willing to relocate to Switzerland and that you are willing to move to Switzerland.
If you have a contract job in Liberia, it is very likely that you will be able to continue your work remotely from Switzerland.
If you are working for a Swiss company, you can easily get a visa for Switzerland and the work permit for your company.
If you are a freelancer, you can easily get a visa for Switzerland and you can work remotely from Switzerland.
When applying for remote work, you should state that you are willing to relocate to Switzerland and that you are willing to move to Switzerland.
How to get paid in Liberia when working remotely for a corporation in Switzerland?
You can get paid in Liberia even if you are working for a company in Switzerland, however , the best way to get paid in Liberia is to get paid in Switzerland.
You can get paid in Liberia even if you are working for a company in Switzerland, however, the best way to get paid in Liberia is to get paid in Switzerland.
How do taxes work in Liberia if I’m working remotely for a company Liberia?
When working remotely in Liberia for a firm based in Switzerland, taxes might be tricky, therefore we have put together a guide to help you out.
Is it possible to work remotely in Liberia?
Yes, it is possible to work remotely in Liberia. You can work remotely for a firm based in Liberia, but you will have to pay taxes on your earnings.
If you are working in Liberia as a freelancer, you will need to pay taxes on your earnings. You will also need to be registered with the Liberian Revenue Authority (LRA) if you want to claim back tax on your earnings.
If you are working for a firm based in Liberia, you will need to register with the LRA and pay tax on your earnings.
The Liberian Revenue Authority (LRA)
is the body in charge of collecting tax in Liberia. They are responsible for collecting income tax and VAT, and for enforcing tax laws.
You can pay tax on your earnings using a number of methods, including direct debit, bank transfer, or by sending cash to the LRA. You will need to register with the LRA before you can pay tax.
You will need to register with the LRA if you want to claim back tax on your earnings.
You can register with the LRA by completing an online form.
You will need to provide your name, address, date of birth, and your employer’s details.