Work in Luxembourg for a corporation based in Singapore

Can I work remotely in Luxembourg for a company in Singapore?

Yes it’s perfectly possible, but we advise first to check the following points:

  1. The company that you want to work for is located in Singapore.
  2. The company that you want to work for has a branch in Luxembourg.
  3. The company that you want to work for is registered in Luxembourg.
  4. The company that you want to work for is registered in Singapore.

How can I find a remote job in Singapore while living in Luxembourg?

When things work out well, it’s possible to find remote jobs in Singapore even if you are located in Luxembourg, for that we have a few tips that can help you.

In Luxembourg, a remote job can be defined as a job that is performed from home and not from the workplace. For example, you can be a remote worker in Luxembourg, but you can also be a remote worker in Singapore. Remote jobs can be performed from home, from the office or from a coffee shop.
In Luxembourg, remote jobs are mainly performed by companies that are not located in Luxembourg. If you are looking for a remote job in Luxembourg, then you must have a remote working experience.
Remote working is becoming more and more popular because it allows you to have a flexible lifestyle.

How can I get paid in Luxembourg when working remotely for a company in Singapore?

It is possible to get paid in Luxembourg while working for a company in Singapore but it is not easy.

If you are working for a company in Singapore, you are required to be a Singaporean citizen. This means that you are required to have a Singaporean passport. In order to get paid in Luxembourg, you must have a Luxembourgish passport.
You can get a Luxembourgish passport if you are a Singaporean citizen. However, you must apply for the Luxembourgish citizenship before you apply for the Singaporean citizenship.
It is possible to get a Luxembourgish passport if you are a Singaporean citizen.

Will I pay taxes in Luxembourg or Singapore when working remotely in Luxembourg?

Taxes can be complicated when working remotely in Luxembourg for a corporation in Singapore, so it’s important to understand the tax implications of your remote work arrangement.

This article will help you understand the tax implications of your remote work arrangement in Luxembourg and Singapore.

What is a tax treaty?
A tax treaty is a legal agreement between two countries. Tax treaties are in place to avoid double taxation.
In the case of Luxembourg and Singapore, there are tax treaties in place between both countries.

What is double taxation?
Double taxation is when a company is taxed in two countries on the same income.
For example, if a company in Singapore has an income of $100,000, then the company is taxed in Singapore on that income.
Then, the company is taxed in Luxembourg on the same income.
If the company is taxed in Singapore on the same income, then the company is taxed twice.