Work in Moldova for a company based in Greece
Can I work remotely in Moldova for a company in Greece?
Yes it’s perfectly possible, but we advise first to check the following points:
- If you are going to work from Moldova, you will need a Moldovan bank account.
- You will need a Moldovan passport.
- You will need a visa to enter Moldova.
- You will need to have a working permit to work in Moldova.
- You will need to find a Moldovan company to work for.
- You will need to find a company in Greece to work for.
- You will need to find a company in Greece to sponsor your work visa.
- You will need to find a company in Greece to hire you.
- You will need to find a company in Greece to pay you.
- You will need to find a company in Greece to sponsor your working permit.
Do I need a visa to work in Moldova?
Yes, you need a visa to work in Moldova.
What is the visa fee?
The visa fee is €60.
What is the minimum and maximum age to apply for a visa?
You need to be between 18 and 65 to apply for a visa.
How can I find a remote job in Greece while living in Moldova?
When things work out well, it’s possible to find remote jobs in Greece even if you are located in Moldova, for that we recommend you to use our job search engine which will help you to find the best opportunities for you.
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Remote Jobs in Greece for Moldovans
How can I get paid in Moldova when working remotely for a company in Greece?
It is possible to get paid in Moldova while working for a company in Greece but you need to understand the tax rules in the two countries.
The main difference between the two countries is that in Greece, you need to pay taxes in your home country, while in Moldova you only need to pay taxes in your home country, as long as you are a resident there.
The same applies to the withholding tax on payments made to your employees. In Greece, you need to pay withholding tax on all payments made to your employees. In Moldova, you only need to pay withholding tax on payments made to your employees, as long as they are a resident in Moldova.
So, if you are working for a company in Greece and you need to pay your employees in Moldova, you will have to pay withholding tax in Moldova.
You need to be aware of these rules as you may be subject to a tax audit in your home country.
In this article, I will explain how to get paid in Moldova, how to get paid in Moldova when working remotely, and how to get paid in Moldova when working for a company in Greece.
How to get paid in Moldova
You need to get paid in Moldova through a bank account that is registered in Moldova. You can get paid in Moldova through a bank account in Moldova, or through a bank account in another country.
Will I pay taxes in Moldova or Greece when working remotely in Moldova?
Taxes can be complicated when working remotely in Moldova for a corporation in Greece, so you want to make sure you are not paying taxes twice.
Taxes in Moldova
Moldova is a country in Eastern Europe that is part of the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union. Moldova has a population of 3.4 million. Moldova has an average life expectancy of 75 years. Moldova has a GDP of $26.8 billion. Moldova has a per capita GDP of $4,076. Moldova has a current account surplus of $1.4 billion. Moldova has a trade surplus of $3.1 billion. Moldova has a budget deficit of $1.3 billion. Moldova has a debt to GDP ratio of 79%. Moldova has a public debt of $14.7 billion. Moldova has a current account deficit of $2.2 billion. Moldova has a current account surplus of $2.1 billion. Moldova has a trade deficit of $1.1 billion. Moldova has a debt to GDP ratio of 76%.