Work in Portugal for a corporation based in Brazil

Can I live in Portugal and work remotely for a company in Brazil?

Yes, it is possible, however we usually recommend double-checking the following points:

  1. Are you registered in Portugal?
  2. Are you legally entitled to work in Brazil?
  3. Are you working for a company in Brazil?
  4. Do you have a residence in Portugal?
  5. Do you have a residence in Brazil?
  6. Are you working in Brazil and Portugal at the same time?

It is always better to be safe than sorry.
If you are not registered in Portugal, you cannot work in Portugal.
If you are not legally entitled to work in Brazil, you cannot work in Brazil.
If you are not working for a company in Brazil, you cannot work in Brazil.
If you have not a residence in Portugal, you cannot work in Portugal.
If you have not a residence in Brazil, you cannot work in Brazil.
If you are working in Brazil and Portugal at the same time, you cannot work in Brazil.

Are you a citizen of Portugal?
If you are not a citizen of Portugal, you cannot work in Portugal.

How to find remote work in Brazil while living in Portugal?

Usually, it is feasible to get remote jobs in Brazil even though you are located in Portugal. For that we have some tips that you need to keep in mind.

If you are a Portuguese citizen living in Portugal, you can get remote work in Brazil by applying to the Brazilian companies.
This article will cover how to find remote work in Brazil, what are the best remote work opportunities in Brazil, how to get remote work in Brazil from Portugal, and what are the best companies to apply to for remote work in Brazil.
Remote work in Brazil is becoming more and more popular. Many companies have started to offer remote work as a way to attract and retain the best talents.
But, how to get remote work in Brazil while living in Portugal?
You can apply to remote jobs in Brazil and get paid for it from Portugal.
You can work from anywhere in the world and you will still get paid in Brazil.

And many companies have started to offer remote work as a way to attract and retain the best talents.

How to get paid in Portugal when working remotely for a corporation in Brazil?

You can get paid in Portugal even if you are working for a company in Brazil, however you need to have a Brazilian tax number and a Portuguese tax number. The process is very simple and straightforward.

You can also get paid in Portugal even if you are working for a company in Brazil.
This post is for those who want to know how to get paid in Portugal when working remotely for a corporation in Brazil.
Getting paid in Portugal when working for a company in Brazil
If you are working for a company in Brazil, you need to have a Brazilian tax number.
You need to have a Brazilian tax number in order to be able to get paid in Brazil.
If you are working in Portugal, you need to have a Portuguese tax number.
You need to have a Portuguese tax number in order to be able to get paid in Portugal.
How to get paid in Portugal when working for a company in Brazil

How do taxes work in Portugal if I’m working remotely for a company Portugal?

When working remotely in Portugal for a firm based in Brazil, taxes might be tricky, therefore I am writing this article. This is for information purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice. I am not a lawyer, accountant or financial advisor.

The first thing to know is that it is not possible to work from home in Portugal. You need to be physically present in Portugal.
If you’re a freelancer, you’ll need to register as a self-employed worker.
If you’re a worker, you’ll need to register as an employee of a firm that has a company registration.

How do taxes work in Portugal if I’m working remotely for a company?
If you’re a freelancer working remotely for a firm based in Brazil, you might be confused by how your taxes are calculated.