Working in Slovakia for a corporation in Argentina

Can I work remotely for a company in Argentina while being in Slovakia?

It is usually doable, but we recommand to check the following key points first:

  1. If you are not a citizen of Argentina, you need a work permit to work in Argentina.
  2. If you are not a citizen of Slovakia, you need a work permit to work in Slovakia.
  3. If you are a citizen of Argentina and you want to work in Argentina, you need a work permit to work in Argentina.
  4. If you are a citizen of Slovakia and you want to work in Slovakia, you need a work permit to work in Slovakia.

How to live in Slovakia and find remote work in Argentina?

Finding remote work in Argentina if you are located in Slovakia might be difficult, therefore we recommend to move to Argentina to find remote work.

If you are thinking about moving to Argentina to find remote work, you should know that there are a lot of opportunities for remote workers.
If you are located in Slovakia, you can find remote work in Argentina and get paid a lot of money.
In this post, we will show you how to find remote work in Argentina, the benefits of working remotely in Argentina and the best countries to work from.

How a company in Argentina can send my salary in Slovakia?

When working remotely for a corporation in Argentina, you salary can be send to Slovakia but you will have to pay a fee to the company.

This is a question that I receive often. I have to say that this is a common question, but I’m sure that there are many people who don’t know the answer.
In this article I’ll explain how it works, the fees and the process.
The process is very simple. When you work for a company in Argentina, you have to pay a fee to the company in Argentina.
The company in Argentina will pay this fee to the company in Slovakia, which will send your salary to you.
This is a common process for companies in Argentina, because it is the law.
The fees are different depending on the company. Usually, the fees are around $10.
The company in Slovakia will charge the company in Argentina the fee, and the company in Slovakia will send your salary to you.
The company in Slovakia will send your salary to you in a bank account in Slovakia.

How much the company in Slovakia will charge the company in Argentina?
The fee is around $10.

Where to pay my taxes when working remotely in Slovakia for a company in Argentina?

If you are working remotely in Slovakia for a corporation established in Argentina, taxes could seem complicated but in fact it is not that difficult.

I’m a remote worker and I’m currently living in Slovakia. I’m working for a company based in Argentina. I’m doing this for two reasons. First, because I love working remotely and I don’t want to move to Argentina. Second, because I want to earn more money in Argentina. I am not registered in Argentina and I’m not paying any taxes there.
In this post, I will explain how to register as a resident in Slovakia for the purpose of paying taxes in Slovakia.
I’m going to use the example of a married couple, but this is also valid for a single person.

What is a resident?
To be a resident in Slovakia, you need to meet all these conditions:
You must be a Slovak citizen or an EU citizen.
You must be living in Slovakia for at least 183 days in a period of 365 days.
You must have your permanent residence in Slovakia.
You must be registered in the national database of residents.
You must have your residence registered in the national database of residents.
If you are married, you need to have your permanent residence in Slovakia for your spouse as well.