Living in Slovakia while working in Lithuania
Can I work remotely in Slovakia for a company in Lithuania?
Yes it’s perfectly possible, but we advise first to check the following points:
- Is there an agreement between the two countries?
- Is there an agreement between the two countries about the free movement of people?
- Is there an agreement between the two countries about the free movement of services?
- Is there an agreement between the two countries about the free movement of capital?
- Is there an agreement between the two countries about the free movement of goods?
How can I find a remote job in Lithuania while living in Slovakia?
When things work out well, it’s possible to find remote jobs in Lithuania even if you are located in Slovakia, for that we recommend you to apply directly to the remote job opportunities posted on the job portal, we will help you with your application and connect you with the best Lithuanian companies that are looking for your skills and expertise.
We do our best to find the best remote jobs in Lithuania and will be glad to help you with your application.
How can I find a remote job in Lithuania?
If you are a skilled IT professional with a minimum of 1 year of professional experience, you can find a remote job in Lithuania in the IT sector.
Remote jobs in Lithuania
You can find a remote job in Lithuania in the IT sector in the IT sector.
How can I get paid in Slovakia when working remotely for a company in Lithuania?
It is possible to get paid in Slovakia while working for a company in Lithuania but you will need to go through a company called GlobalPay.
The company is based in Vilnius, Lithuania. They are a payment processor, so they will handle the payment to the company in Lithuania. They also have an office in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Will I pay taxes in Slovakia or Lithuania when working remotely in Slovakia?
Taxes can be complicated when working remotely in Slovakia for a corporation in Lithuania, so here are some tips on what to know and what to do before you start working remotely in Slovakia for a corporation in Lithuania.
- How much are taxes in Slovakia?
The tax rate in Slovakia is 20% for salaries and dividends, and 25% for capital gains. - What is the difference between a corporation and a limited liability company (LLC)?
A corporation is a legal entity that can be owned by many people and is taxed as a single entity. A limited liability company (LLC) is a legal entity that is owned by one person or a few people, and is taxed as a separate entity. - How do I file my taxes in Slovakia?
You can file your taxes online using the IRS’s e-file system. You will need your Social Security number, your filing status, and the amount of taxes you owe. You can use the IRS’s e-file system to file your taxes online and pay your taxes online. You can also use the IRS’s e-file system to make payments on your taxes.