Work in Slovenia for a company in Cuba

Can I live in Slovenia and work remotely for a company in Cuba?

Yes, it is possible, however we usually recommend double-checking the following points:

  1. The company must be registered in the EU.
  2. The company must be registered in Cuba.
  3. The company must have a physical office in Cuba.
  4. The company must have a physical office in Slovenia.
  5. The company must have a physical office in the EU.

How to find remote work in Cuba while living in Slovenia?

Usually, it is feasible to get remote jobs in Cuba even though you are located in Slovenia. For that we suggest you to create a LinkedIn profile and start a job search. A LinkedIn profile is the first step to find a remote job.

If you want to work in Cuba and are located in Slovenia, you can find a remote job in Cuba. A remote job is a job that can be done from anywhere in the world.

How to find remote jobs in Cuba?
We recommend you to create a LinkedIn profile to find a remote job in Cuba.
LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network. It allows you to find a remote job in Cuba and to find a job in Cuba. LinkedIn is a professional network with a strong focus on the professional sector. LinkedIn has millions of users worldwide.
If you want to find a remote job in Cuba, you can use the search bar to find a remote job in Cuba.

How to find a remote job in Cuba?
You can search for a remote job in Cuba in the search bar.
After you have entered your search term in the search bar, you will get a list of results.
You can filter your search results by job type, job title, location and more.
You can also filter your search results by job type, job title, location and more.

How to get paid in Slovenia when working remotely for a corporation in Cuba?

You can get paid in Slovenia even if you are working for a company in Cuba, however , if you are working for a company in Cuba, then you have to pay taxes to the Cuban government and you will not get paid in Slovenia.

If you are working for a company in Slovenia and you want to get paid in Slovenia, then you have to set up an account with the Slovenian tax authorities.

How to get paid in Slovenia when working for a corporation in Cuba?
If you are working for a company in Cuba, then you have to pay taxes to the Cuban government and you will not get paid in Slovenia.

How do taxes work in Slovenia if I’m working remotely for a company Slovenia?

When working remotely in Slovenia for a firm based in Cuba, taxes might be tricky, therefore it is important to be aware of how they work in Slovenia if you are employed by a firm based in Slovenia.

Taxes in Slovenia
Slovenia is a country that has a flat rate tax system. That means that there are no deductions or allowances for anything and the flat rate is the same for everyone.
The flat rate tax is 17% on most of the items in Slovenia.
This includes salaries, profits and dividends, and also the value of property.
In addition, there are taxes on alcohol and tobacco, which are both very expensive.
The standard rate of tax is 17% on most of the items in Slovenia.