Work in Vietnam for a company based in Philippines

Can I work remotely for a company in Philippines while being in Vietnam?

It is usually doable, but we recommand to check the following key points first:

  1. The company has to be registered in Vietnam.
  2. The company has to be recognized by the government.
  3. The company must have a physical address in Vietnam.
  4. The company must have a local representative in Vietnam.
  5. The company must have a local office in Vietnam.

What is the difference between a Virtual Assistant and an Online Personal Assistant?
A Virtual Assistant is someone who is employed by a company. They are usually hired by companies to perform different tasks. They are usually paid hourly or on a per project basis.
An Online Personal Assistant is a person who is self employed. They are usually hired by individuals to perform different tasks.

How to live in Vietnam and find remote work in Philippines?

Finding remote work in Philippines if you are located in Vietnam might be difficult, therefore we recommend you to consider working in Philippines.

  1. Do I need a visa to work in Philippines?
    You do not need a visa to work in Philippines if you are a citizen of any country in the world.

  2. How much is the cost of living in Philippines?
    The cost of living in Philippines is much cheaper than in Vietnam.

  3. Can I live in Philippines for a long time?
    Yes, you can live in Philippines for a long time as it is one of the safest countries in the world.

  4. How to find remote work in Philippines?
    Philippines is one of the best countries to find remote work. You can find remote work in Philippines through freelancing websites such as Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, Guru, and others.

  5. What is the average salary in Philippines?
    The average salary in Philippines is $3,200.

How a company in Philippines can send my salary in Vietnam?

When working remotely for a corporation in Philippines, you salary can be send to Vietnam but I have to be careful because it is not legal.

I’m working in a company in Philippines and I’m based in Vietnam. I’m afraid that I can not send my salary to Philippines because it is not legal.
Can you help me?
You can send your salary to Philippines.
You need to be careful because it is not legal.
It’s not illegal. It’s just not legal.
In general, if you work in a company in the Philippines, and you are paid by the company in the Philippines, the company will send your salary to the Philippines, and the Philippines will send it to you.
This is not illegal, as you are not violating any laws.
If you are working in a company in Vietnam, and you are paid by the company in the Philippines, the company will send your salary to the Philippines, and the Philippines will send it to you.
If you are working in a company in the Philippines, and you are paid by the company in Vietnam, the company will send your salary to Vietnam, and Vietnam will send it to you.

Where to pay my taxes when working remotely in Vietnam for a company in Philippines?

If you are working remotely in Vietnam for a corporation established in Philippines, taxes could seem complicated but in fact , it is not so hard to pay your taxes in Vietnam when working remotely for a corporation in Philippines.

In this article, I will explain how to pay your taxes in Vietnam when working remotely for a corporation in Philippines.

Why should you pay taxes in Vietnam when working remotely for a corporation in Philippines?
If you are working remotely in Vietnam for a corporation in Philippines, you are not required to pay taxes in Vietnam.
However, if you are working remotely in Vietnam for a corporation in Philippines, you have to pay taxes in Vietnam.
If you are working remotely in Vietnam for a corporation in Philippines, you will have to pay taxes in Vietnam.

What is the difference between working remotely in Vietnam for a corporation in Philippines and working in Vietnam?
Working remotely in Vietnam for a corporation in Philippines is different from working in Vietnam.
However, if you are working in Vietnam for a corporation in Philippines, you have to pay taxes in Vietnam.