What is the best work from home job part time?

What is the best work from home job part time?

Which is the lowest paid job?

Some of the least paid jobs in the us include maids housekeeping cleaners bartenders gamblers change personnel and booth cashiers and sewing machine operators. These jobs offer sometimes little in terms of compensation and prospects. The high number of people living at or below the poverty line in the US makes it an unlikely location for many US citizens to afford to live.

The American dream of home ownership is a distant dream for many US citizens, although the number of US citizens who own their homes is increasing. Even those US citizens who are lucky enough to own their own home must often put off their dreams of retirement as they struggle to make ends meet.
High unemployment and a declining population are problems for many US states and cities. This is creating a huge problem for many US citizens who have to move to find work and support themselves.